UDeCOTT has been associated with the successful management of a myriad projects in Health, Culture, Housing, Sport, National Security, and Education sectors. Our extensive experience in delivering facilities services and providing strategic solutions include operational assessments and design, system and process implementation and supplier and performance management.
Given that UDeCOTT proposes the best mechanism for Facility and Administrative Management of the Maracas Beach Facility, on December 24th 2018, through a Cabinet decision, a contract was awarded to UDeCOTT whereby UDeCOTT will deliver a comprehensive plan and system for best in class facilities management, encapsulating and integrating people, place and natural processes of the Maracas Beach environment. In addition to this, we will identify and mitigate risks related to facility operations, supply chains, unauthorized commercial activity and business process in order to create an environment which not only strongly supports but furthers the primary objectives of the Ministry of Tourism.