The Urban Development Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago (UDeCOTT) has continued to deliver on its mandate of transforming urban landscapes with the recent comprehensive refurbishment of the Hasely Crawford Stadium.
In November 2022, the Government gave UDeCOTT the mandate to upgrade the 41 -year-old stadium.
In the space of six months, UDeCOTT was able to:
The young athletes would benefit from the new eight-lane 400m synthetic Class 1 track which has been certified by World Overhead view of the Hasely Crawford Stadium.
Athletics, the governing body for track and field events. A further two D areas with runways for triple jump and long jump were added.
As part of the refurbishment, the Hasely Crawford Stadium now boasts the following:
Once these games are completed, the newly refurbished Hasely Crawford Stadium will join the list of spaces available to improve sport and athletics, helping T&T continue its stellar contribution to the sporting world.